Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Write a CV/Resume with some simple steps

CV means curriculum vitae. It's a page of story. A story about you. When the highlighting points of this story impress an employer, you get a call to portray your story in front of an employer.
So, writing a CV/Resume means story telling. Obviously the story must be true otherwise employer will understand that you are telling a fake story by seeing your body language.
You found a lot of CV template in online. Question is how to showcase your story into that template?
Let's jump into it.

1. If we classify the sections into a CV then we will find-

  • Skills
  • Experience
  • Achievement
  • Potential  
on this 4 pillars you have to showcase your story.

2. A CV should persuade the selector and provide evidence of all your works. Evidence is an important part here, cause it resembles 3 things-

  • CAN (knowledge, skills)
  • WANT (motivated to do the work)
  • FIT (fit the culture and lifestyle of work environment)
3. Research in, which industry do you want to work? According to that tailoring your 4 pillars and make multiple CV's with a cover letter.

4. Seat back, relax, take time!!! Think about your 4 pillars first. Make multiple drafts. Look at other resumes to see how they are written. Not to do exactly the same, you can get an idea from there. Make an advertisement for you to stand out from the crowd.

5. Use specific numerical numbers in your CV/Resume. As an example, in the experience section you can write, manage a team of 20 people. 
Numbers can attract faster than letters.

6. Language of your CV must be in everyday language. Never use jargon in writing a CV.

7. Last but not least employers will look at your CV/Resume for only 15-30 seconds!

The world is getting technically advanced, so do the hiring process. Different assessment criteria is using everyday to find the right person for the right position. 

If you follow above stated rules you will able to write a winning CV hopefully.😊

If you have any further questions please let me know in the comment section. 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

5 efficient ways to do an effective presentation

To do a presentation one thing is common, which is only you are saying and others are listening to you. So you are the spokesperson and in front of you there is audiences. Maybe 10, 50, 100,1000! We are talking in here about how to do an effective presentation in a efficient way. 

Let's get started.

1 Idea: People are listening to you only if you present a rigid, logical idea, which can help people rethink about the fact you are telling.

2. Story: Understand your audiences emotions. Connect with them by telling a story. Express your idea through a story. When you do so it can help you to build a rapport (relationship) with people and people want to hear from you more.

3. Structure of presentation: You could talk about maximum 5 different ideas into one presentation. It's better to put 3 ideas because research has been shown that people can hold their attention for 3. 

3 is the lucky charm!!!

If you have more than 3 ideas make another presentation.

Don't forget to paraphrase at last. 

4. Time: Choose a time slot when people have higher productivity. I think morning is the best time.

5. Practice: Remember, always do practice. The more you practice, the more you flawlessly deliver your speech. 

Last but not least, always smiling. Smile has healing powers and it will give an access to your audience easily. 

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Communication360 is always be with you. 😊